I use to fly cancel checks, I would go to work at 7pm for a 9pm departure, I would fly some 10 to 12 instrument approaches a night if the weather was bad, and get back to base at 7 am in the morning! In those days we could fly more under the rules, now you can't. I flew a Cessna 310Q, I also have flown film when people took photos and had them developed, now it's all digital and cancel checks are pretty much gone! So you go fly for a FEDEX feeder, in a 208, you don't fly much and it's about 40 thousand a year after a few years! I myself will be starting a job Dec 1, I have been unemployed for a while, it's a short contract, it will be over June30 and I am happy with the 6500 per month for a paycheck, its also in the Southeastern part of our country! After that, I don't know! I have been flying now for almost 42 years! I am going to be turning 62 in February!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov