Good job Dave, he looks like a happy camper.

My father gave my son his first knife when he was about 7 or 8 years old for Christmas. It was a little Swiss Army Knife. My mother was against it, but my father insisted and said he'd be OK and not to worry. We stressed to my son not to use it unless we were supervising him and he agreed.

New Years Eve, we were getting ready to go out and the kids were down stairs. My son had got a toy truck for Christmas and it was still in the box, zip tied. He figured he'd cut the zip ties with his new knife. A minute later my daughter runs into our room screaming that he cut himself. We ran down stairs and it looked like a murder scene. He stuck it right through his middle finger. He's a tough guy and took it in stride, he was more afraid of us and that he was in trouble. The finger is OK.

My mother used the old "I told you so" line.

He's 25 now and starting to make his own knives.

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan