Originally Posted by djs
My question for Trump is how will he return jobs? He (Trump Inc.) exported jobs for neck ties (formerly made in New York City to Hong Kong), jobs for shirts (formerly made in PA to Bangladesh), jobs for shirts (formerly made in Chicago to Indonesia), jobs for souvenirs (formerly made in USA to China), jobs for furniture (formerly made in NC to Turkey), etc. Without even being elected, he could get jobs back to the USA right now!.

In the 2012 election cycle, he was asked why he had Trump-branded products made overseas and he replied that "Americans won't work for $6 per day." Maybe he'll lower the minimum wage in the US to $6/day so we can get those jobs back.

He has repeatedly said exactly how he is going to bring jobs back to the US. He has delineated his tax code changes and infrastructure spending, as well as now renegotiating NAFTA.

You can argue about wethet it will work all you want. But don't try to pass the BS lie that he hasn't said unequivocally how he plans to do, just because CNN hasn't run a story about it.