Originally Posted by curdog4570
What kind of campaign would you have Trump run?

One where he listened to Kellyanne Conway and followed her advice.

One where his surrogates weren't having to defend his latest ego-driven outbursts.

No choice but to question the intelligence of the defeatists that blame Trump for bein put under a microscope by the mainstream propaganda machine.

If DT had a "perfect" debate, but split an infinitive, or ended a sentence with a preposition, that's all we'd hear about til the next nitpicking BS line they could conspire on.

And if you haven't figured that out by now, you are definitely restricted to the shallow end of the pool.

The gene pool.

As we saw in the last debate:

DT kicks ass.

Carefully designed question snuck into the debate, voter fraud.

Not asked of ILLary, of course.

Script continues with MSPM harpin on the *one* thing, voter fraud, so they don't havta talk about wikileaks, how ILLary sucked during the debate, how ILLary's losin in the polls, etc.

If you haven't the capacity to recognize a scripted, coordinated propaganda campaign by the MSPM (that ILLary's ahead in the polls is the largest and longest BS narrative yet), your capacity to vote intelligently is too questionable to be trusted.