Just goes to show that the hit has to be in or near the right place, huh.

Several years ago three dirt bags hid under tables at the gun show, thinking they were going to make a real haul and might have but the promoter had three fellows as guards. Might have worked but when the guards awakened, the gunfight got started. One DB took six 230 FMJs thru his upper torso but one that hit him in the side of the head was the one that put him down. Instead of LEO dragging him off to a nearby field, they got him all patched up and pumped six units of blood in him. His girl friend tried suing the promoter for using excessive force!

The Mayans had it right. If you�re going to predict the future, it�s best to aim far beyond your life expectancy, lest you wind up red-faced in a bunker overstocked with Spam and ammo.