Originally Posted by benchman
Why is it you feel Trump cannot win?

At one time I thought Trump, or whoever the GOP nominee was, would win easily. But Trump has not run a very smart campaign, and he has really had only one message.....Hillary is a crook and a liar.....something we all know. Look, Trump was never going to get votes from Hillary's base, or from the Blacks and Latinos. He needed to get votes from the people who didn't particularly care from him, those voters I call the country club Republicans, and the Independents. He has always pretty much had those of us who support the Second Amendment, who don't want to see a liberal SCOTUS, and couldn't fathom the thought of Hillary winning. Trump has been a smartass, a loudmouth, a "I don't give a damn" individual, and rather arrogant.....things that just don't go over well with a lot of people. I still believe the election will be closer than the "experts" are saying, but I do believe that Trump is going to have a very hard time winning.