Originally Posted by northwestalaska
If you wanted to construct a GOP presidential candidate who would doom the Texas GOP long term you couldn't create one better than Trump. He acts like he is still running in the primary. Very little outreach to independents. Conservative democrats, who he seems to be targeting don't exist anymore in Texas. Not to mention majority of youth in Texas aren't Caucasian

You have just touched upon the real problem for the entire GOP....

Too many in the Trump Base see a huge rally as proof that Trump has a massive amount of support but what they fail to recognize is those folks are solid Trump supporters and there are no new ones out there. Trump Rallies are like High School Pep Rallies...The stands are filled with the faithful but no one else is going to show up.

Choose to see what you want but the facts are Trump will be very lucky to rack up 160 electoral votes thus a land slide to one of the weakest DEMs in history...

OOPs, guess you were wrong.

"The 375HH is the greatest level of power you can get for the investment in recoil." (JJHack)
79s and losttrail, biggest waste of air.