The medical community refusing to participate in any way steps so far into the unethical practice it gives one pause about wasted education! If the medical community (and I realize it is not monolithic or of unanimous opinion)will not help provide a decent death when that is precisely what is necessary in a specific situation it is shirking a substantial portion of it's responsibility. Doctors routinely participate in humane death of terminal patients, and not infrequently when other ill considered interventions have produced a situation in which they have shortened a patient's life before hand. If humane and efficient execution is necessary to society, and I believe it is, then the medical community need to come up with rational, ethical and most importantly consistent arguments to the contrary or help. As stated above, the means and the skill required for that end are readily available.
Many of these doctors will fight against the 'inhumane' executions but then they think nothing about tearing the arms and legs off of an unborn child.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.