Ok - I've remembered two more. One was the daypack with my jacket and rain gear in it. It was in the back of my truck with the rest of my gear, and my pilot friend (float plane moose hunt) helped me load the stuff. It was tucked into the front corner of the bed and out of sight from a quick glance, and he gave me an affirmative when I asked if everything was out of the truck. And I didn't't double check.

Got chilly after he left camp just before sundown and --no jacket. Did have a spare shirt tho - that helped. Borrowed a partner's cell phone (just after they first came out), and called the wife to call the pilot to bring my other pack in when he came out again in the morning.

"Where are you?" she asked.

"Moose Camp"

long pause....... "That's disgusting!"

After a 350 mile road trip, but prior to the 18 mile hike into our sheep mountain, I discover I'd left the Pyrodex for the wife's Seneca behind. She had to shoot that 30-yard, full curl with the scoped .270.

The remaining 6 rams conveniently ran a half-mile and thru a saddle where our hunting partner on that trip picked off the other full curl.

Not real sure just how Steve got to come along on our honeymoon........ smile

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.