#1 Hillary did NOT get more popular votes. That's another huge media lie. One they are still trying to get people to believe.

Rigged machines were caught in 38 of the 50 states and the problem was "corrected" but in no case were the votes thrown to Hillary erased.

They admitted to the "miscalibration" but didn't do a re-count and didn't remove those wrong votes. Also there was not one single "miscalibrated vote" that was cast for Hillary that was thrown to Trump. So that proves it was not a machine error. If it was a miscalibration it would not have been consistent over 38 states, far more precincts, hundreds of machines and who knows how many tens of thousands of votes. Not one "mistake" made in favor of Trump.

Just an accident?

Yeah right.....So try to convince anyone that her half of the election was valid----- if you can find anyone that stupid.

Not to mention the thousands or perhaps millions of illegal alien votes and votes of the dead.

You need to look at the turn outs of supporters from Hillary's campaign stops in the last full year and compare them to Trump's if you want some evidence that may "suggest" I am correct.

Trump on some occasions had to turn away people in numbers of 12,000 to 16,000 because there was not even standing room.

Hillary's best showing in over a year was a count of less then seven hundred. It is reported that at one stop in Ohio she had 34. That's right. Thirty four. Not 340. Not 3,400. Not 34,000. 34! One less than 35.

It's also confirmed that some of the "supporters" were hired actors and in one case it was an actor dressed as a Sailor, but the uniform was not correct. It was fake! It was just a ploy to get people to believe she had some support.

So I would have our side (Conservatives that believe in the Constitution and know it's not just a collection of ideas, but it's THE LAW)ask their side (those that see the Constitution as something o be avoided in every case that doesn't favor their communist ideology) if they are lying about the popular vote numbers OR about the Russian hacking, because they can't have it both ways. You see, if the Russians hacked the election and the Hilldabeast got more popular votes, then that would be proof that the Russians helped her, not trump.

In either case the Dem/Libs are bald faced liars and not worthy to run a lemon-aid stand, let alone a nation or an economy.

They have no credibility at all.


Anyone still supporting them is (1) an idiot or (2) a traitor.

There is no 3rd option.

Oh one thing more.....Lewis falls into category 2.

Last edited by szihn; 01/13/17.