Originally Posted by MZ5
Most of the demand from competitive precision rifle shooters for H4350's claims of extremism must and shall be channeled to IMR-4451, simply because H4350 essentially doesn't exist any more.

I think it does exist. If you read what Mr. Hodgdon said its really just a shipment issue. I think they will continue to sell it, but the guys with deeper pockets than us will keep snatching it up quicker than we can. Which, is gonna be those competitive precision rifle shooters. I don't blame them, if I did competitive stuff like that I would for sure always snatch up what I can when I can. The average guy like most of us only goes to look for it when we need it.

I saw this happen with Varget. Its back on the shelves now. But I do not doubt 4451 will start to gain popularity and not have lots always sitting on the shelf simply because as people are "forced" to try it in lieu of H4350, there will be more info available to read.

If it is not as good as H4350 then we will know that also. But everything I have been reading says its gonna be. I'm testing some myself in just a few hours.