Originally Posted by Oldman03
A gov. security clearance has never caused me any problems when buying a gun.
Not saying that isn't the cause, maybe I just slipped thru the cracks.

Right! Clearances don't flag anything on NICS.
There are no entries in NICS from any government clearing agency nor any connection between NICS and those databases because the lists themselves are classified and require need to know to access.
NICS employees and the NICS administration system has no need to know who has a clearance, what it is for, or why they have one any more than your local dog catcher does.
These people who get delayed are:

a) Unlucky and the NICS system is down, backed up, there's a system glitch, or someone goofed with their paperwork.


b) There's something in their criminal record, mental health record, or a court order involving domestic violence, stalking, commitment to a mental institution, etc. in their past. Some of the etc can vary by state.


They lied on the Form 4473 or state forms.

Clearances have nothing to do with it.