I readily confess that I supported Cruz in the primary and do not regret doing so. I had a significant initial distrust of Trump for quite sometime and I think with good reason at the time. However, I readily supported him over any of the Dems. Having said that, the further along this got after the primary, the more acceptable Trump seemed to get to me. He started to act more "presidential" and less like an arrogant smart assed Yankee with an attitude. I am not trying to disparage him by saying this - just making an observation about the impression he made on me. Maybe this was just a brash act that he put on for show, I don't know. I do know that it did not favorably impress me.

Now, having said that, I have been really proud and favorably impressed in the way he has lately been carrying himself. His performance at the inauguration was particularly impressive to me. He basically "read the riot act" to Democrats and RHINOs. It's about damn well time someone did. I was very proud to have voted for him in the general and now feel that there is finally hope for our nation after so many years of despair. Additionally, I have been very impressed with the outstanding class that both the Trump and Pence families have projected at the various inaugural ceremonies. Just outstanding!

So no, I was not an original supporter, but I am very proud to say that I did vote for him in the general and am delighted he won. I think he is going to be the best choice of all of the contenders. I sure would like to see Cruz on the Supreme Court. He believes in the Constitution with no BS.

"...why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for,... because it is the only thing that lasts."