Originally Posted by DakotaDeer
Ivanka is an Orthodox Jewish convert. She had to get special permission from her rabbi to "work" on inauguration day. She is President Trump's closest and most trusted advisor.

If you support President Trump, you are in some way supporting Judaism.
Does Ivanka advocate disarming Americans? Does she advocate open borders? Does she advocate the suppression of public Christianity? Does she advocate globalism? Does she advocate racial dilution of white folks via massive Third World immigration into the West? These are some of the objectives of organized Jewry, and I don't think Ivanka advocates any of them, so I have no problem with her. That's my point.

Of course the religion she adopted (Talmudic Judaism) is positively satanic, but that's another issue, and doesn't cause me to hate her in any event. She's deceived with regard to religion, and to the extent it's a guide for her in life in general, it's a false guide that will lead her down the path to destruction.