Originally Posted by rosco1
After thinking we made a little headway with Chaffetz here, he turned around and introduced HR 621.

Well I guess we did make some headway with him, he just needed a reminder?

"I am withdrawing HR 621. I hear you and HR 621 dies tomorrow" ~ Jason Chaffetz

From Donald Jr's Instagram feed

[Linked Image]
That was a good "win"! However, now folks need to work to get Chaffetz to withdraw HR 622.

"To terminate the law enforcement functions of the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management and to provide block grants to States for the enforcement of Federal law on Federal land under the jurisdiction of these agencies, and for other purposes."

IMO it's a ploy that has two reasons: 1) appease the folks in his district that get/got tickets and won't if the sherrif had to write them and mostly 2) to continue to hamstring the agency to further push for sale transfer. Hit up you congressmen and senators today to oppose HR 622!