Originally Posted by AKA_Spook
fer f u c k s sake, what a bunch of cut and run bitches. and this is why weve done nothing but give up ground to the left since I can remember.
I say , tell them to suck it...and go full speed ahead. confirm every nomination (nuclear when/if needed) start ramming through the agenda so rapaciously their brains explode.
make the oppositions leaders look impotent and weak.
arrest the uncivil hordes in droves and charge them with everything that sticks
shove alinskys rules down their faces.
to win this war we have to be uglier and meaner than they ever concieved.

or we can keep being the good guys for all the good its done us.


I retired from the Johns Manville asbestos pop tart factory in ‘59, and still never made the connection.—-Slumlord