Originally Posted by pal
That message is such BULLSCHIT! Don't believe it.

The example he gave of him following his grandfather's passion does not make this true.

Perhaps most people do not follow their passion. Instead they accept someone else's beliefs, before they have had a chance to develop and trust their own. Or they believe someone's advice "Get into plastics!" and are possibly miserable their whole life, even though they might make a great living.


Spend your time doing what you love to do.

Even if it doesn't pay - right?

Sorry - I disagree. Unless one is not responsible for anyone but himself, gainful employment is first priority. I have a family member who has bought into this passion thing and can't understand why he is practically destitute and can't feed his family without assistance. His chosen passion just doesn't pay - even if you're good at it. He would do well to save the passion as a hobby (which he could easily do) and find work that will pay (which is plentiful here).

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.