I was trained in college for radio and television broadcasting. I'm legal on the air, but the pay scale is so low, you could starve.
Add to that, the pressure is high. Everything is timed down to the second, show prep is endless, and the on air personality could put everyone in the building out of work. A multi-million dollar piece of equipment, you can no longer turn on.
It is a rush, and a drive to do it well, but you cannot support a family that way. I may get back into it when I retire.
I'm good at what I do, and I have standing offers it with other companies if I ever decide to move. The boss knows I could walk away today, and be working for his competition tomorrow.
It's not the same as working your passion, but is far less stressful.

An unemployed Jester, is nobody's Fool.

the only real difference between a good tracker and a bad tracker, is observation. all the same data is present for both. The rest, is understanding what you're seeing.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~