Well what was the "odds" that The Do Nothing Gang ain't turned a lick?!? VERY "surprising". Laughing!

If'n they had a penny for every time they thought or spoke of me,they could buy some of the stuff they TRY to "talk" about. Laughing!

This site don't fly at work and I reckon I've been a touch busy Shootin',given this inordinate Global Warming and the crisp/cool temps and favorable atmospherics. Right proper Dichotomy there,Google it. Laughing!

Cartridge second from left outta da' mag,has more than piqued my intellest and I've been flogging on it right proper,rather digging magfed .467BC Smooches at 3050fps from a 20" Self Shucker. Now the "lucky" kchunts can say they've "seen" one of them too. Laughing!

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I'd speak to bolts and what not,but it ain't very fhuqking "fair" to muse wares that exist and steal the "thunder" of so much Imagination and Pretend. Laughing!

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The Mallard Trigger Debacle was resolved less issue,but'll yet again fly over pointy heads and that $2.84 tariff alone,would exceed "budgets". ALWAYS nice to yank out a Geisselle SSA-E and replace it with sumptin' good instead. Ask me how I know? Laughing!

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Gotsa love Blue Glue. Laughing!

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Perspective never ain't not intellesting and Google is gonna enjoy the HUGE increase in bandwidth,yet again. Laughing!

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Really groovin' on the sweet "satisfactions" of The Paper Hat Brigade exchanging Food Stamps for cash,to keep 'em in Sale Beer. Those Hard Charging Kchunts REALLY "get after it"!

Bless their hearts.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."