Can you shoot all the hogs out. I don't think so. Maybe you can scare them off for a while, but not kill them all. My experience is that pigs are not territorial. They move dependent upon food or human pressure. I suspect that they are much like coyote. Here in South Texas they did an experiment. I don't remember the exact facts, but here is the just of the matter. There was a ranch that was over 10,000 acres, as I recall. A state highway bisected the ranch approximately equally. On one side of the highway all coyoties were killed on sight. On the other side, none were shot. The ranch was monitored by TPW. At the end of 5 years the coyote population had remained the same on both sides. Captdavid

"It's not how hard you hit 'em, it's where you hit 'em." The 30-06 will, with the right bullet, successfully take any game animal in North America up to 300yds.

If you are a hunter, and farther than that, get closer!