I saw Capt "Snort" Snodgrass (the Aviator in the pic and Commander of FITWING at the time) do this on Truman for a dependents day cruise out of Norfolk.This was during one her very first at sea periods after deck qual (although I have no idea when this picture was taken it was his standard demo)

He came up the wake below flight deck level and pulled up, rolled 90 right at the stern and then rolled 180 left and pulled away to start his demo, the jet at this point is not pulling any g's really and has 500+ knots on it. So it's in no danger of falling out of the sky!

If you've never seen an airpower demo at sea you've missed an airshow you can't believe. Lots of live ordnance and low level high speed passes that you'd never see ashore. Back when we had A-6's on the wall of water pass you'd see a single level pass with an A-6 dropping 30 Mk-82's Snakes from 200'- very much a wall of water

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