I have a '14 TRD off road crew cab with a 6-speed manual. Mostly I like it. There are only a couple issues.

According to my right foot, it doesn't have the guts my 2008 Nissan Frontier had. I feel it especially when I'm towing. The Nissan handled, comfortably, trailers that push the Toyota around a bit. It also doesn't have the top end speed the Nissan had .. comfortably.

I don't think the A/C is quite adequate. It doesn't cool as well on a truly hot day as I'd like.

Gas mileage ... about 16 mpg compared to 18.5 for the Nissan. That's running 265x75-16 Toyo Open Country MTs on both trucks on the same roughly 1000 mile freeway trip at 5 over the speed limit on cruise control .. a pretty apples-to-apples comparison.

I'm not that fond of the 5 foot bed. It's not big enough to sleep on. It's 80 inches with the tailgate down which is marginally usable but not ideal.

The big thing, though, is one that scares the hell out of me now and then. I like to drive ... assertively ... at times. The roll / "G" / sway sensor will trip and lock up the brakes.

It's done it at 85 on the freeway cornering. I managed to save it, didn't eat concrete divider or hit the truck that was alongside me .. but for a sec I was looking right in his side window and that mo-fo's eyes were HUGE!! Another couple times it's locked on twisty backroads and thrown me into the ditch ... fortunately, nothing there (that time) to hit and I recovered. The dealership says it can't be fixed, they've got 2 company execs there who have the same problem only their trucks are lifted, mine is stock.

I'm slowly / tentatively shopping for a replacement. I do want a stick shift, I can't drive an automatic, which makes shopping more and more limited every year. If I wind up stuck buying an automatic, it'll probably be a Ford, but maybe a Dodge .. that "rambox" looks incredibly utilitarian, maybe enough to return to a standard cab with a shorter wheelbase and better visibility without losing functionality.

Anyone who thinks there's two sides to everything hasn't met a M�bius strip.

Here be dragons ...