Originally Posted by 340boy
Originally Posted by ol_mike
Wipe out has a product you can use before putting the foam cleaner in , I think that's what he' talking about .

That is my understanding as well. I've never used the Accelerant but had good results nonetheless.

The internet rumor is the accelerant can etch the bore if you let it soak. I've stopped using it a long time with my Patch Out (liquid version of Wipe Out foam).

I also use Montana Extreme. Sometimes I think Montana Extreme works better, other times it seems like Patch Out does better. If it's winter and the windows are closed I use Patch Out.

I'm used to chemical odors but don't sniff the bottle of Montana Extreme........I know this.....


Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.