An out of state observation, fwiw...had 20+ seasons in or near boundary waters--I suppose that is "north" enough...

Minne has the same issues as Michigan, 500,000 hunters and they all are right, all the time. My Dad always said, "son, retail is for gentiles". Good on anyone or any organization that tries to keep the bitching to a dull roar.

Forests change. Deer need chow and the cutting clear provides that. Wolves move deer around to different areas in bigger country, much further than farmdog does barking up some trespassers.

From what I can tell so far in Michigan, regarding the wolf "introduction"-- both species adapt for survival. Not so, many hunters. The absolute best outcome for deer are when the wolves managed on the local level.

Sometimes a guy has to work a little harder when the old honey hole dries up...:)

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