I recall when MN closed the deer season state wide in 1973. That closure brought around the system of zones and permits now so commonly seen here. From the end of WWII to that point, the DNR closed the season in the south zone approximately half the time and the north zone a handful of times due to low deer populations. Tags were good for any deer and few, if any, passed up a shot as deer were so uncommon.

Hunter numbers were much smaller than today and success rates were not as high due to the low number of deer. Large racks were not as plentiful as then since any deer was fair game and a spike was as prized as a Thurdy pointer.

Those who have been deer hunting in MN the last 25 years or so have never had it so good. It is not near the peak of the early 2000's but even today is so much better than 1974-1990. During that time it was thought One's chances of tagging a deer was virtually zero without drawing a highly coveted doe tag where percentages went up to the teens. The week before deer season in November 1979 had a half dozen hunters ask permission to hunt our farm because a buck was seen running across the road- in August. Even seeing deer tracks was a topic for weeks and anyone who shot a deer got their picture in the local paper after registering it. Bagging a deer, any deer, was a big deal back then and most today never experienced such adversity.

I'll take today over 40+ years ago gladly. Even public land has deer if one wishes to put in the effort. Big bucks are more common today than in the "Olden Days" due to more deer but it is the stories, tales, and legends people like to cling to. It's been two seasons I haven't drawn a doe tag, at least two more since one could take a doe in my zone. Still, I am happy as I've seen more deer most days than in a season when I started and my not shooting a buck has been the result of passing on smaller ones rather than not seeing any.

The biaching being done today is nitpicking as they are complaining of not bagging a record book buck. Be fortunate you are not considering the season a success because you saw a deer track- once.