Originally Posted by roundoak
"I've recently lost some weight, looking to replace old gear"

Health problems, Teal?.

Nope. Just was too fat. I'm still fat but not too fat. July 4 I started working on it. Really counting calories in, upping protein, cutting sugar by a very large amount and just really paying attention to not only what but how much I was eating. 4-5 Guinness a night, 4 nights a week adds a ton of empty calories even tho its a low cal beer. Always struggled with portion control. Got sick of it. My son graduates from basic training next month and I didn't want to be completely embarrassing when he introduced me to people. I expect to be down another 3-5 lbs by then.

I'm down 12% of my body weight and still working. I won't really need new gear this year, can make my old stuff work one more go but next year, I need new stuff. Actually a combo of too big and wore out. Mostly old Gander Mt. stuff from pre-2000.
