Originally Posted by walt501
Look, neanderthal, you want to keep living in the dark ages you are free to do so. Once upon a time the horse was viewed as more reliable than an automobile. How did that work out for the horse long term? In America, we are advancing all the time. If you want to remain in the past that's your prerogative, but the majority will welcome new advancements. Will they have problems? Sure they will. But eventually those problems are sorted out and we move on.

It has worked out pretty well for the horses in my pasture. They eat well and are pampered. And they get me places and do jobs no machine ever will.

I can not afford to be in the alpha test group. Give me good old reliable and tested technology. There is a reason I depend on a 92 Toyota to get me through the mud or dust every day so I can go to work.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.