For others who question what guns should or shouldn't be grouped together, I know where you're at. I struggled with the notion, myself.

Does one group the Ruger LCP with the Kahr CW .380?
Does the Sig 938 belong with the Kimber Micro 9?
Do Ruger LCR's belong with Smith J frames?
Do Glocks with the same slide width and caliber belong together?
Should hammerless Smith J frames be separate from hammer models?
Should J frames be lumped together at all? (After all, some guys spent real money on scandium & titanium models only to get grouped with the budget models. Are they sufficiently similar to get put together, or are they "different?")

There were a lot of decisions to be made. So I just did what I thought was best. I am not arguing I made the correct or best decisions.


"Let's Roll!" - Todd Beamer 9/11/01.