Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Hastings
Star: Not taking it yourself because of concerns about safety do not equate to a ethical need to deny the vaccine which might possibly work to adults who want to try it. We are Libertarians (some of us) and are pro-choice...

Yeah but HappyCamper is alluding to the vaccine being an almost guaranteed bad thing, beyond any sort of normal risk. If the vaccine had a known 99% risk of adverse side effects, and the patient still wanted it, would it still be administered? Where does a medical practioner draw the line?

Medical staff who are refusing the Vax
but still administer such are either...

1. Cautious, but Not all that concerned
about the Vax hence are OK with other
people's choices.... Or
2/ Are extremely concerned like Camper
but wont make a defiant stand in the interests
of patient wellbeing purely out of their own self

What would the CF think of someone who
was say anti-abortion , but still worked in an
abortion clinic? would they simply be called
pro choice or accused of being hypocrites
complicit in murder?

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.