Originally Posted by Kaiser Norton
Originally Posted by cra1948
Other than waterfowl, for which I use a modern, 3 1/2" gas-operated repeater for open water divers, the only shotgun I hunt with any more is my Merkel 1620, double triggers, straight grip, VZ and 1/2 choke. I also have a Fox Sterlingworth 16 gauge and had an Ithaca 16 gauge SXS that my brother liked so..... I could get it back but won't. Occasionally, I'll use my 12 gauge Ruger Red Label 12 bore, an early 80's gun that has proven to be bulletproof. I usually use the Ruger when I'm going with a group I've never hunted with before and don't want to look too high-falutin', but also don't want to miss anything.

For the life of me, I don't know why anyone with average means would want anything but a refined, 16 gauge SXS to hunt upland birds with. All this blather about chokes and shot sizes....a 16 gauge sxs choked ic and mod or mod and mod or mod and full with 1 1/8 ounces of 5 shot will do anything anyone wants it to do. Quail maybe? okay, 71/2's.

Go with minimum 28" barrels. The short-barrel shotgun nonsense has been exposed as such for decades. A shotgun is all about smooth, coordinated movement: not herky-jerkey throw the sucker up and let off a blast. Don't give me any bullschitt about "Oh, in the New England fugging jungles where I hunt...." No one has hunted grouse and woodcock in thicker schitt than I have. Those who think chopping a couple inches off the barrel of their shotgun (or rifle for that matter) gives them some great advantage would be better off losing 20 pounds and learning how to shoot.

Man, I'm starting to sound like a curmudgeon, aren't I. About fugging time, I've earned it.

Good advice here. A quality made 16ga SxS should weigh in the neighborhood of 6.5lbs - running right alongside a similar 20ga in weight, allowing comfortable carry throughout a long day in the field. I've a short-chambered Sauer for which I use the B&P F2 Classic load (1 oz of #5s) - thumps the snot out of my ND roosters and sharptails. Also functions through my Remington M11, my Winchester 1897 (also short chambered), and my Citori - making it a do-all load for me, which I buy by the case.

FYI - Scheels in Fargo, ND has a Dickinson 16ga in their display case for $1599 - Straight grip, checkered butt, case-hardened receiver, 28 inch barrels with interechangeable chokes, extractors. I'm not in love with case-hardening and the gun felt a bit heavy to me, but it sure pointed nice.

Kaiser Norton

Plus 1

It “should carry like a 20 and kick like a 12” which is perfect for a bird gun.