Here's a couple of ideas. If you spend enough time on youtube and agricultural ed sites, you will find dozens of designs.

This is one. You'll like the chicken names. 😄

Here's a more advanced idea with time saving auto feeders. Might be good if you leave for weekends.

The last time I went to the store, the good Lord gave me three dozen fresh eggs for $1.
I can't raise them at that price. However, the benefits of home grown, ( not talking about the hemp around the first video), is the following.

1. I have become severely allergic to chicken meat. I think that it's the soy and Glyphosate/ Round Up in their commercial feed everywhere.

2. ORGANIC feed eggs are OK. The others cause a digestive sickness that lasts a day. Keep in mind if you plan to sell them. The free range bug and weed scratching feed is best the sunlight provides free vitamin D3 supplements. Yokes are orange and tasty gormet. Most feed sold from ag stores provides very limited nutritional value and tastes bland. Just my experiences and ask around farm communities. You'll likely hear the same, but most do what's cheapest and easiests. If you want that too, there's lots of organic gardening videos that show how to get the best of both worlds. One is the Back to Eden documentary.

Best to your health and success!

Happy Camper

Last edited by Happy_Camper; 03/28/21.