October 3, 1991 was my 21st wedding anniversary, and I was out on a part of the farm that I hadn't been on in some time. On the southeast corner of my place there is a large depression in which there are two caves and several large sinkholes. An old road that is the boundary between my farm and adjoining farm goes right beside this area. I sometimes find Indian artifacts in this place, and that's what I was doing when I went there. There was a terrible smell, unlike any dead animal that I'd ever smelled before. It didn't take me long to find it, and it was a body that had been dumped off the side of the old road.

The police investigation revealed the body was that of a Black girl from Indianapolis Indiana, who had been both shot and stabbed. The murder was never solved. A few weeks after I found the body, a neighbor and I were talking and she told me a very interesting story. Just a few days before I found the dead girl, there had been an incident near her farm which was about a mile away from where her. A group of Blacks were seen having a fight and argument, and one of them was a former resident of the community who had moved to Indianapolis a few years previously. I thought that was more than just a coincidence, and told a deputy that I knew. As far as I know, my information was never acted upon, and I'll always believe there was a connection there.