Maybe ten years or so ago, a Ft. Campbell soldier had got back home after being deployed to the Middle East. He and his wife went to nearby Hopkinsville, KY to eat out, and while on the way back home, she got sick and asked him to pull off the road. They drove about a mile down a side road, and while they were stopped, he was shot and killed. Turns out it was setup, as the wife had been banging another soldier, and wanted to get hubby out of the way, so they killed him. The killer took off and they caught him a few days later in one of the Western states. One of the major networks, NBC I believe, had a show about it.

The murder took place on a road that was on my mail route, and the very spot was a place that was secluded, and where I stopped most days for a pee break. The slain soldiers family put up a small memorial for him at the spot where he was killed, and I had to find me another place to stop, as it felt really strange to take a whiz there.