Three Roads to the Alamo showed all three men as they were. That reality raised them in my estimation from cardboard heroes to imperfectly complex men taking on a lawless, hostile environment with all they had. Bowie was a first rate scoundrel and convincing con man. If he died on the sand bar, that's how he would be remembered if at all. As I recall Travis left his wife and bad debts in Alabama after she took up with the lawyer he was reading under. He surely loved his prostitutes in Beaumont, if that's adultery. Debatable point maybe. I don't think he remarried. He was more important to founding independent Texas than his celebrated peers due to his legal intellect. Three giants for sure, but all of those men were unbelievably selfless. It's a bit disheartening that where they gave their lives has become such a "cool place to see." I would drive the money changers off the scene and across the street for starters. That's a sacred place.