Of the big brand beers, Shiner is at the top of my list. I like New Belgium Brewery, but it is now foreign owned.
Local breweries, that pay local workers, and pay local taxes are at the top of my list though. Of the ones around here, all they want to do is make beer and stay in business. The only people they pander to are the ones who buy and drink their beer. Maybe some of you have only seen yuppie micro breweries, but most small breweries are just hard working small businesses who enjoy beer and are trying to make a living. Start spending your money local. You might be surprised what that does to your local economy.

I've drank at a lot of micro breweries across the US. You can usually tell the ones who cater to the odd crowd, but from what I've seen they are in the minority. Most are owned and operated by some pretty cool dudes, many veterans, who just like to make and drink beer. They hire local workers and pay local taxes. I'd much rather give them my beer money than a giant corporation owned and ran by international board members.

Don't just be a survivor, be a competitor.