Yeah! They're creating quite a stir around here. My wife knows the people that were hit on Thanksgiving day and the latest one was at another guys's place that I'm acquainted with. Neither of these people heard anything. They've been coming right into the yards. I've got a sled dog & run him just on the outskirts of the area these animals seem to be traveling. I'm keeping the outside light on at night, have moved his dog houses next to the garage and just started placing a radio outdoors at night & leaving it on. BTW, I got the .44 Mag. locked & loaded next to the front door too. I also run my dog on the outskirts of the area they seem to be running in and I'm gonna start carrying the .44 with me on those jaunts too. We haven't had a lot of snow and since it seems to be a family, they'll tend to not go for a full grown moose. A calf? Yeah, possibly. But why, when puppy chops are so easy to come by? Sure hope the trappers or get 'em or somebody shoots more of them. As far as I know only one's been shot so far. Bear in Fairbanks

"Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes."
Amazingly, I've lived long enough to see a President who is worse than Carter.
And finally,
Gun control means using two hands.