Some people say we've lost the Republic. I can't believe we have but I do think we are heading for times like none of us have seen. It's all been predicted in the Bible and it's playing out. I've post this before but it's worth repeating.

"The propitious smiles of heaven cannot be expected on a nation that disregards rules of order and right that heaven itself has ordained."
George Washington

None on that stage gets this statement. If they did they'd quit pandering and do what we as decent citizens know should be done. But they are not that way. Just look at what the debate was about, man made climate change, lambasting Trump, it was all me me me. Just like the selfish jerks they are. They were led by the moderators. Do true leaders follow along that way? Nope!

We've got a chance at this and the man for the job is Trump. Get over yourself and get behind him. America needs to be mindful of George Washington's words. Ask yourself this. Did the Founders know we would face cheating in elections and power hungry people? Did they know that we would have our nation be torn apart by ungodly ideas? Of course they did. That's why we have some documents that govern us. Leave any of it out and deny that God gave them the wisdom to govern and we will lose.

Reagan said that America was the last stand for a refuge for freedom for the entire world.