Originally Posted by Sycamore
Originally Posted by JoeBob
I’ll say this about the English, ....the ruling class understood that in addition to the privilege, they had responsibility to the masses and it was in no one’s interest to break the damned country.

We don’t have that. We have the worst of all worlds. We have dumb people who think they are smart, who have no allegiance to anything or anyone but themselves, who view all criticism as a threat to their existence, who know nothing but to mock, ridicule, and double down. Every single thing in this country now is run like the Ukraine War. Just ignore reality and double down. When reality finally can be ignored no more and it all comes crashing down, simply pretend it never happened/doesn’t exist and move on to to the next thing without a hint of humility, chagrin, or desire to learn from past failures.

I can’t help but think that the rest of the world must think we are absolutely insane.


you said a mouthful there.

I still believe in the American Ideal. Aristocracies are for euro trash and 3rd word shîtholes.

We’re well and truly fugked, but not because we didn’t let our “betters” chart the course. Rather because we let the evil that had and continues to pull the strings in Europe put their claws on us. We thrived until we got to be a big enough player on the world stage. Then we became one more marionette on the stage.

We got too big. Like a company that had great product and customer service, but then was sold out to a larger company with shareholders. And the profit margins drove all decisions. After a good run of using name recognition to keep driving sales folks realized it was shît product and no recourse with the company because the people making decisions speak mandarin and the people you talk to for help speak Hindi.