The "who's the best long range shooter" is playing out almost exactly how I've seen it go with handguns. People that say they're "good" and have skillz, only to show up to one USPSA match and never go back after getting smoked. They'll say stuff like "games ain't gunfights" and lie to themselves that shooting fast and accurate from the draw, on the clock, isn't relevant to "the real world." ironically, most saying that stuff have never been in a gunfight.

I will make the assertion that it is a very rare bird that is at the sharp end of any shooting discipline and doesn't use competition to hone skills. People on here actually act like being a top PRS shooter wouldn't help immensely with long range hunting or being a master in USPSA wouldn't help in a gunfight. That's absurd on it's face.

Anyhow, if you haven't ever gone out and competed, do yourself a favor and do it. You don't need the best gear (I shoot USPSA with what I carry) and testing your skills against others and a clock is always a good thing.