Originally Posted by Craigster
Originally Posted by DaveR
Originally Posted by Valsdad
As obnoxious as many homeless folks are, I find the drone operator much more reprehensible.

Were I one of those folks, I'd be building a bolo or net to toss at that fugger. or be sending my homies out on a mission to discover where the operator was.

Fuggem. Reprehensible? There is no shame too severe to attempt to get these hyenas to understand and comprehend what shame is. Then have NO shame.

What would make these videos better is if they were dropping mortar rounds on these worthlelss human pieces of chit.

I was there. Lived it. Won't ever go back. These human pieces of chit are not depression era "down on their luck" type folk. They have made the choice to be strung out on whatever fuggin' drug their on, and this is their chosen lifestyle. And the left promotes it and celbrates it.

Reprehensible? Yeah...paying $400 for a high end meal in Santa Monica, and watching some never contributed chit to society azzhole drop trou and chitting in the gutter next to your table. THAT is reprehensible.

"sending my homies out on a mission to discover where the operator was."

Yeah...your "homies" would be instantly sidetracked by the first half eaten hot dog, last swig of a bottle of day old beer in the trash can, or half smoked marlboro they came across. LOL.

Sounds like you were an ass hole, sounds like you still are.

Step off a curb in SF and step in something brown, and you hope it’s canine and not human.

Get spit on by someone out of their fuggin’ gourd, again in SF while running errands.

Once you live through that within the space of a week, you get in touch with your reprehensible side…