I had a lot of Jab recipients try to shame me into getting it. I am not anti-vaccine, just yesterday I got a Hep-A vac before I travel to Fiji. All I ask for in a vaccine is a 10 year track record showing the effectiveness and side effects. Looking at those numbers I can decide for myself if I want the vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine couldn't do this, so I didn't get it.
The US military processed out a lot of folks for refusing the jab. Now they are crying because recruitment numbers are way down. It is human nature to push back when you seem forced to do something. Those that go along to get along, do so because of conditioning by parents, gov't schools, religion or other types of indoctrination. According to US military medicine, cancer rates are up 300+% in military age males and 400% in females. Females also are having reproductive organ issues and males are having heart/lung issues.
You are free to get the jab, but I am free to refuse. I waited 3 years to go on this trip with my wife. It was for our 25th anniversary, but we just celebrated our 28th. Had we not been able to fly due to no jab, for the rest of our lives - that would have been OK too. Originally we were gonna go to New Zealand, but even after the restrictions were lifted, we chose a new destination due to the way NZ handled (dominated) their citizens.

Some is Good---More is Better----Too Much is Just Right