Originally Posted by Rooster7
Originally Posted by LRoyJetson
What's up w/ steel toe boots?

I think Blackheart bragged on here one time about liking to kick the schidt out of dogs whilst wearing them. Someone can correct me.
It wasn't a brag at all but as typical of campfire simpletons that's how you want to remember it. What I said is that one day I had my dog out for a walk and when a loose dog came after my dog, I kicked it in the ribs to avoid a fight and the resultant vet bills. Since I had previously said that I wear steel toed boots every day, the legendary stories, which are outright lies, were born. As usual, mostly because Jim Conrad the exaggerator and liar extraordinaire did his usual routine and kept repeating that I like to go around kicking the shyt out of every dog I come across with steel toed boots. I have no doubt that the croc and sandal wearing tough guy crowd here {lol} would either run away screaming like a little bitch with her hair on fire or quickly resort to shooting their way out of such a situation. It's not like they'd have a lot of options given their ghey choice in footwear.