Originally Posted by T_O_M
I'm puzzled. I consider myself fairly "right" ... at least on most issues. What I do not understand is the general right-wing assumption that the mail-in ballots are somehow less trustworth than polling place ballots. We're 100% mail-in here. The ballots go to the county clerk for counting. They check the signatures against the voter roster. I've had 2 sent back 'cause I got sloppy and signed Tom instead of Thomas so I KNOW they are checking. I think the county clerk, an elected official, with her staff, overseen by a public group, and with public members involved if there is a disputed ballot, has at least as much integrity as the old polling place elections I participated in a few decades ago. More than that, though, my real concern is with the inner city areas where voting does not produce a permanent paper ballot, they only collect data electronically, and if someone has [bleep] with the voting machine (these are democrat-controlled precincts, after all), there is absolutely no way to catch them. So .. what am I missing? Is it just that blue states do more mail in that red states so somehow their votes must be corrupted? If so that's just stupid. My county is republican, our clerk who runs the elections is republican .. and by God if someone accused her of monkeying with the ballots in either way, I believe she'd gut them with a rusty butter knife. Her integrity matters to her more than the outcome. .. as it should be. Anyone caught and convicted of election fraud should be publicly hung. Not dropped, slow swing, let 'em kick a while as the air runs out.

The whole process of voting and counting the votes is subject to corruption and depends on the integrity of those running the election. The way they have cheated and changed the numbers has been covered elsewhere. Several voting cycles ago there were some issues in our county with elections. Mostly had to do with incorrect or incomplete ballots for special districts and confusion about polling places. Nothing to do with accuracy of the count or anything like that. The county election director resigned, possibly before the election took place, and the county has struggled to regain integrity regarding the voting process.

In 2022, two of our county supervisors refused to certify the election and requested a hand count. This drug out until the new democrap governor and attorney general took office, then the attorney general filed felony charges against those two supervisors for refusing to certify the election. Both these people are currently incurring the financial and emotional stress of defending themselves against those charges.

In Arizona the voting process has been manipulated and corrupted to remove almost any safeguards to protect the integrity of the process. County supervisors must certify the election. Ballots cannot be hand counted, they must be machine counted. The last election, signatures were being verified at the rate of one per second. The state just hired one of Cochise county’s ex election directors to run state elections going forward. An honest process? Not likely!

I don’t think the election process will be the “black swan event” that will take place before next January. It is possible there won’t be an election if the uni-party thinks they wont be able to manipulate the results.