Originally Posted by Scott_Thornley
OK, the lot the crap house in NC sits on, sells for $200k

But, it's not just that lot in small-town western NC selling for $200k. It's almost everywhere in the country, and there is no REAL scarcity of land or construction materials that would be driving those costs in a REAL capitalist society. It's a fake, perverted economy that has been orchestrated and foisted onto the world.

I find it hard to believe that folks are OK with the fact that a 971 sq. ft. poorly built shed-house sitting on a 5,200 sq. ft. lot costs more than a third of a million dollars, and everyone is fine with it so long as they're convinced that it's just how capitalism works. Why can't you build a house that is similar to the home in Ecuador for your same money here, with maybe some additional labor costs? It's not, or it shouldn't be, the cost of materials. I doubt lumber and concrete and copper and polished granite and glass and tools are in any shorter supply in the U.S. than they are in a near-third world country. There is much more available land here, too.

Never mind that a significant percentage of single-family homes are being purchased by Wall Street investors so that these homes can then be rented to people who can't afford to buy them because they are competing with Wall Street investors from who knows where or what countries and probably using interest-free money they receive from the corrupt federal government through phony housing tax credits while the private individual is expected to pay in full plus an 8% usury fee, um, I mean mortgage.

I must say, up until I made this post, I would've felt like a total dumbazz for paying 1/3 million dollars to purchase a 971 sq. ft. shed-house in a no-name town sitting on top of a 5,200 sq. ft. lot without even a basement. I can't wait until a Booger King value meal costs me $50, then I'll know for sure that the 'Fire's version of capitalism is working.

But, I'm so glad I made my original post. I now realize what an idiot I am for questioning the "official" narrative about the cost of living in the U.S. and the fact that soon nobody will be able to afford a home. [bleep] our children. Let those poor, greedy little bastards figure it out. Let them eat cake....

Soon, no one will be able to afford even a modest home. Soon after, nobody will be able to afford a privately owned vehicle or the fuel to operate it. Then, no one will be able to afford clean, healthy food such as beef, chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs and milk, but I hear ground cricket flour tastes like chicken. Certainly electricity on-demand will be reserved only for the wealthy. And, this totalitarianism will all be accomplished under the guise of capitalism, so it'll be fine, and we can rest easy. Of course, our "capitalist" masters won't be giving up any of these things.

Last edited by CoalCracker; 04/13/24.