Do any of you that hunt early season Elk or Deer from the ground wear moccassins? A long time ago when I was in high school in the 1960s San Fernando Valley, there was a local indiancraft shop named Fairchilds Indian Craft. The owner was a bow hunter who spent a lot of time in Montana, I'm not sure but I think he was married to a Blackfeet woman. Anyway, their specialty was an updated moccassin based on the Blackfeet style but made more practical for everyday wear and especially for bow hunting.

Well, "Fairchilds" became a fad in all of the local schools, the moccassins were very comfortable and looked cool. The standard Fairchild was a 6" high, full grain rough out cow hide with full gusseted tounge and 1/8" thin glued on rubber sole. I bought a pair that were higher and I also learned how to make the pattern and build the moccasins themselves. Fairchilds went out of business decades ago, but I make a pair for myself ever five years or so. I love hunting with them earlier in the year in dry weather. I also make a camp moc that is almost exactly like the original indian style. I'm not offering to make them for anybody, just wondering if anybody remebers Fairchilds or hunt with another style of moccassin? I'll try to post pics.


Last edited by Glacier_John; 02/14/08.