I've worn them quite a bit. I have a pair with heavy double leather soles.

the good -
they're quiet, very quiet. You can feel the ground as you walk.

the bad -
they're cold. Even heavy socks don't make up for a good sole under you.
They're slick, particularly on grass. You're not very quiet when you're tumbling down a hill. They're even slicker if they're wet. Climbing into a tree stand with them is a good way to get yourself badly hurt.
They're wet. You'd better like wet feet if there's much dew or rain
They have no foot protection. Walking in sharp rocks isn't nearly as fun as it sounds.

The Indians wore them because it's what they had. The white men didn't wear them because they had better.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.