1st - You really have to take World Net Daily with a grain of salt. It's classic yellow journalism. They have some good commentary, and good reporting when the source isn't WND, but if you see that WND is the source, you'd better back it up with several other CREDIBLE (read-not other conspiracy theory sources) sources.

Second - Relax

Third - as already pointed out, when the anti-Christ comes, there's nothing you, I or anyone can do about it. As the Bible says, just be ready...Meaning, have your heart right with God, and don't worry about anything else.

Fourth - I'm no end times theologian, but my impression is that the anti-Christ will be an extremely charismatic individual that just sweeps everyone off their feet. While I'll admit, Obama is charismatic, he's hardly sweeping people off their feet. He's narrowly beating the Wicked Witch of the North. Really now, exactly how impressive is that?