Way too much hard and fast advice here about the value of staying in school. For some that is a bad choice.

Nothing works for everybody and there is no magic about being in school for resolving youthful indecision or poor choices. Lots of 'eternal scholars' change majors more than their socks -- all the while building huge debts that they carry with them. And lots also go into blind alley degrees ending up w/o the wherewithal to pay the debts.

The military at 18 can give you a life-shaping chance to mature and make much smarter choices about the things that really matter. And yes it's always a crap shoot and -- heavens above, recruiters lie --but you can also emerege with good career forming experience and lots of positive character building in team working and self discipline.

I hated Sam's Army when I was in it. But I went in w/o any life ambitions or drive and very perplexed by the life that was already rushing at and past me. Emerged three years later with a determination to make my way and a career direction that, 43 years later, looks damn good. Must have been -- only one job interview!

You can aslo come out of it a bum -- but then that's pretty much predetermined by your raising by the time you are at military age. You aree never going to get steel out of pot metal.
