Little brother bought one. He put 3000 rounds thru it in 22 days. It simply would not run. Changed o-rings, cleaned it etc. The issue for him was that it wouldn't run for more than 100 shots at a time. Constant failures to fire, eject and feed. Some might send it in and wait - screw that. He was shooting heavy that year - needed it to run and run NOW.

He didn't want to have to clean it in between stations on the course, rounds maybe but not stations. Brought it in and got Browning 425. Hasn't looked back.

Interesting thing was I went into the place to check it out - see what they had it on the shelf for. The price was 75 bucks less than new. When I asked the clerk said it was used but only 3 weeks old - hardly used. He was rather excited when I told him there was 3000 rounds thru that gun already, I knew because I loaded them.
