TV "news" programs are fast becoming "we don't know" programs. First, a "breaking news" announcement, then hours of "we don't know yet."

First a "we know" that a child's body has been found near the Anthonys' Florida home, then hours of "we don't know yet" whether it's little Caylee Anthony's body.

First a "we know" that there was a two-hour conference call linking Governor Blagojevitch with a number of others, then hours of "we don't know yet" who the others were or what they talked about.

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera �

The "news" programs have already morphed into "wonder what'll happen tomorrow" prognostications. Am I the only one here who'd prefer to hear what's known about what's already happened?

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.